Optimize conversions from your Komparu & Whitelabeled comparison tools with Ivanhoe.io

Are you an affiliate and are you using a comparison tool from Komparu and/or Whitelabeld? Then we have good news for you!

With Ivanhoe.io you can automatically provide unique Ivanhoe.io sub-id's to all your affiliate links used in your comparison tools. Ivanhoe.io uses these sub-id's to match conversions to the correct visitor profiles that generated those conversions. This way we are able to push conversions from your Komparu and Whitelabeled comparison tools to your Google Analytics, Google Ads and Bing Ads account!

How does it work?

In order to support Komparu and Whitelabeled you just need a small adjustment to their script you use on your website and place the Ivanhoe.io tag in your website header or footer.


Just replace:

<div id="kz"><script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.komparu.com/XXxxx"></script></div>


<div id="kz"><a iv-script href="https://code.komparu.com/XXxxx?kmp-subid=IVANHOE"></a></div>

As you can see we've added ?kmp-subid=IVANHOE to the end of the Komparu script URL and we've changed script type="text/javascript" src= to: a iv-script href=. This way the actual script is NOT changed at all so all functions will remain the same.


Just replace:

<script type="text/javascript">

var wle_options = {

    "tracking": "OldSub-id"



<script type="text/javascript" src="https://energie.whitelabeled.nl/ext/include/XXxxXXxxXxx1xxXx-123"></script>


<script type="text/javascript">

var wle_options = {

    "tracking": "IVANHOE"



<script type="text/javascript" src="https://energie.whitelabeled.nl/ext/include/XXxxXXxxXxx1xxXx-123"></script>

As you can see we've changed your old sub-id (if you ever used one) to IVANHOE. This way the actual script is NOT changed at all so all functions will remain the same.

Need help?

Want to know how it works? Do you need help with one of the above steps? Then contact us by chat, e-mail or phone!